Cicero’s Spring 2016 Legal Update
The Cicero League of International Lawyers, of which KELLER Law Firm is a member, recently published its quarterly legal update featuring contributions from KELLER Law Firm.
Attorney and Solicitor Flemming Keller Hendriksen has drawn on his many years of experience with corporate law as well as his membership of and authorship of literature on the boards of companies to contribute an article on Corporate Governance in Denmark. The article recounts the implications of altered corporate legislation and recommendations set forth by The Committee of good Corporate Governance and the degree to which larger Danish companies are in compliance with these recommendations.
Assistant Attorney Josias Svendstorp has authored an article on the recently enacted Employment Clauses Act, detailing the implications of the new legislation for employers and employees alike.
The legal update can be viewed here along with Cicero’s newsletter, detailing the organization’s development in which Flemming Keller Hendriksen takes an active part as a member of the Cicero board.
Our ability to draw on the expertise of our international colleagues enables us to provide our clients with full package counseling on local as well as international matters. When facing legal challenges or exploring opportunities that cross national boundaries, KELLER Law Firm is the opportune choice for a professional legal advisor and sparring partner.